The form element represents a document section containing interactive controls for submitting information


  1. action
    1. The URL that processes the form submission
    2. This value can be overridden by a formaction attribute on elements
      1. button
      2. <input type="submit">
      3. <input type="image">
    3. This attribute is ignored when method="dialog" is set
    4. May be overridden using JavaScript with event.preventDefault()
  2. method
    1. The HTTP method to submit the form with
    2. The only allowed methods/values are (case insensitive):
      1. post
        form data sent as the request body
      2. get (default)
        form data is appended to the action URL with a ? separator
      3. dialog
        When the form is inside a dialog, closes the dialog and causes a submit event to be fired on submission, without submitting data or clearing the form
    3. Note that put is not allowed in a html form (see here)
    4. This value is overridden by formmethod attributes on elements
      1. button
      2. <input type="submit">
      3. <input type="image">
  3. autocomplete
    Indicates whether input elements can by default have their values automatically completed by the browser
    1. on
    2. off
    3. autocomplete="on"
  4. target
    1. Indicates where to display the response after submitting the form
    2. It is a name/keyword for a browsing context (for example, tab, window, or iframe)
    3. The following keywords have special meanings
      1. _self (default): Load into the same browsing context as the current one.
      2. _blank: Load into a new unnamed browsing context. This provides the same behavior as setting rel="noopener" which does not set window.opener
      3. _parent: Load into the parent browsing context of the current one. If no parent, behaves the same as _self.
      4. _top: Load into the top-level browsing context (i.e., the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one and has no parent). If no parent, behaves the same as _self.
  5. rel
    1. Controls the annotations and what kinds of links the form creates
    2. Annotations include
      1. external
        indicates the referenced document is not part of the current site
      2. nofollow
        tells search engine spiders to ignore the link relationship
      3. opener
      4. noopener
        1. Creates a top-level browsing context that is not an auxiliary browsing context if the hyperlink would create either of those to begin with (i.e., has an appropriate target attribute value)
        2. In other words, it makes the link behave as if
          1. window.opener were null
          2. target="_parent" were set
        3. This is the opposite of opener
        4. new tabs or windows opened using the target=”_blank” attribute have a potential security vulnerability
        5. The noopener attribute breaks the connection between the new tab and the referrer page
      5. noreferrer
        1. Makes the referrer unknown
        2. "no Referer" header will be included
        3. Creates a top-level browsing context as if noopener also set
    3. Links include
      1. help
      2. prev
      3. next
      4. search
      5. license
    4. The rel value is a space-separated list of these enumerated values
  6. enctype
    1. If the value of the method attribute is post, enctype is the MIME type of the form submission
    2. Possible values are:
      1. application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default)
        1. (SO) For application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the body of the HTTP message sent to the server is essentially one giant query string -- name/value pairs are separated by the ampersand (&), and names are separated from values by the equals symbol (=)
        2. MyVariabeOne=ValueOne&MyVariableTwo=ValueTwo
      2. multipart/form-data
        Use this if the form contains <input> elements with type=file
      3. text/plain
        Useful for debugging purposes
    3. This value can be overridden by formenctype attributes on
      1. <button>
      2. <input type="submit">
      3. <input type="image">

Example (


    <a href="./expt.html" target="_blank" rel="opener">click here</a> 


    // from console of target page


