There are six types of HTML elements
  1. void
  2. template
  3. raw text
  4. escapable raw text
  5. foreign
  6. normal


  1. <el attr="attr" >
  2. <el attr="attr" />
  3. Thus <img> or <img /> but not <img></img>


  1. void
    1. area
    2. base
    3. br
    4. col
    5. embed
    6. hr
    7. img
    8. input
    9. link
    10. meta
    11. source
    12. tracks
  2. template
    1. template
  3. raw text
    1. script
    2. style
    3. Raw text elements can have text, though it has restrictions
  4. escapable raw text
    1. title
    2. textarea
    3. Escapable raw text elements can have text and character references (HTML entities)
    4. The text must not contain an ambiguous ampersand
    5. (There are also further restrictions)
  5. foreign
    1. Elements from MathMl namespace and SVG namespace
  6. normal
    1. Normal elements can have text, character references, other elements, and comments
    2. The text must not contain the character U+003C less-than sign (<) or an ambiguous ampersand.


Four to remember img input link meta
void iilm
