1. The video element embeds a media player which supports video playback into the document
  2. You can use video for audio content as well, but the audio element may provide a more appropriate user experience
  3. autoplay
  4. controls
    1. If this attribute is present, the browser will offer controls to allow the user to control video playback, including volume, seeking, and pause/resume playback
    2. <video src="myvideo" controls></video> 
  5. controlslist
    1. When specified, controlslist helps the browser select what controls to show for the video element whenever the browser shows its own set of controls (that is, when the controls attribute is specified)
    2. The allowed values are
      1. nodownload
      2. nofullscreen
      3. noremoteplayback
    3. <video 
                        noremoteplayback" >
  6. disablepictureinpicture
    Use the disablepictureinpicture attribute if you want to disable the Picture-In-Picture mode (and the control)
  7. disableremoteplayback
  8. height
    1. The height of the video's display area, in CSS pixels
    2. Absolute values only; no percentages
  9. loop
    1. A Boolean attribute
    2. If specified, the browser will automatically seek back to the start upon reaching the end of the video
    3. <video controls loop></video>
  10. muted
    1. A Boolean attribute that indicates the default audio mute setting contained in the video
    2. If set, the audio will be initially silenced
    3. Its default value is false, meaning the audio will be played when the video is played
    4. <video controls muted></video>
  11. playsinline
  12. poster
    1. A URL for an image to be shown while the video is downloading.
    2. If this attribute isn't specified, nothing is displayed until the first frame is available, then the first frame is shown as the poster frame
    3. <video controls poster="/images/myimg.gif"></video>
  13. preload
    1. This enumerated attribute is intended to provide a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience
    2. an enumerated type is a data type consisting of a limited set of named values.
    3. It may have one of the following values:
      1. none: indicates that the video should not be preloaded
      2. metadata: indicates that only video metadata (e.g. length) is fetched
      3. auto: indicates that the whole video file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it
      4. empty string: A synonym of the auto value
  14. src
    1. The URL of the video to embed.
    2. This is optional; you may instead use the source element within the video block to specify the video to embed
  15. width
    1. The width of the video's display area, in CSS pixels
    2. Absolute values only; no percentages






        This browser does not support HTML:5 video




    00:01.000 --> 00:10.000

    00:10.100 --> 00:20.000
    <b>Pop Pop</b> 


VideoType Extension MIME Type
MPEG-4 .mp4 video/mp4
QuickTime .mov video/quicktime
WebM .webm video/webm
WEBVTT .vtt text/vtt
Windows Media .wmv video/x-ms-wmv
