The following markup exists

<meta name="viewport" content="width=400, initial-scale=1.0">


  1. The virtual width of the browser is at least 400px
  2. Media queries that use (max-width: 300px) are effective
  3. The browser automatically zooms the page to 1 % when the page first loads


  1. TRUE
    1. The virual width of the browser is at least 400px
    2. The viewport allows you to set the virtual size of a screen
    3. All media queries use the viewport, not the actual size of the device
    4. The width=400 setting sets the minimum virtual width
  2. FALSE
    1. Media queries that use (max-width:300px) are not effective
    2. This is because the width=400 viewport setting sets the minimum viewport width of 400px
  3. FALSE
    1. The browser does not automatically zoom the page to 1% when the page loads
    2. The initial-scale=1.0 means 100%, not 1%
    3. This value should be a number between 0.1and 1.0

Question Screenshot

Measureup exam question on viewport

Answer Screenshot

Measureup exam question answer


MeasureUp mock exam